Optimised, peerless, scalable – System care homes  

As a specialist for inpatient care homes, we develop and manage our portfolio ourselves. We have developed an innovative system approach that can be implemented as a location-agnostic, scalable solution that sets new and uniform benchmarks for outstanding care home quality. Our system approach sets guidelines for each property, along with the standardised processes that steer us from the acquisition of the land, through construction, to the long-term management of each care home.

In developing our system approach, we have specifically oriented ourselves to the needs of operators, residents and municipalities. Our solution is specifically tailored to the needs of operators and residents and delivers a highly efficient product that combines greater efficiency and lower operating costs with best-in-class housing facilities and enhanced quality inpatient care.

Property Portfolio 68 leased properties 6,738 care places 749 assisted living units 249 other units

Average age: approx. 4 years

As of: December 2024

39 Locations c. 2,930 care places in planning c. 1,040 assisted living units in planning 1,628 care places under construction Locations under construction and in planning c. 10 other units in planning 2 other units under construction 196 assisted living units under construction

Locations in planning are already notarially secured.

Mood Home Über uns

About us

We are the specialists for system care homes in Germany

Our highly capable team draws on more than 15 years of experience in the development and management of inpatient care homes. In 2020 we created Cureus, a new brand that pools this long-standing expertise and allows us to focus clearly on our goal: to apply a systematic real estate solution and fundamentally reshape the German senior living market.


icon-erfahrung.svg >15 years of experience

icon-mitarbeiter.svg approx. 135 employees

icon-standardisierungsprinzip.svg optimised standardisation principle


Market Survey

More transparency for the German care home real estate market

We want to provide greater clarity! It is no secret that the German population is aging and the ramifications of current demographic developments are a frequent topic of discussion. Unfortunately, little is known about how the supply side is meeting such rapidly increasing demand. And that’s why, in pursuit of greater transparency, we have joined forces with bulwiengesa to explore what is a crucial issue for the future of the German care home real estate market.




How we can transform your property into a care home

We are an established and reliable partner in the purchase of land and buildings. Our extensive experience, streamlined review process and financial stability guarantee all of our business partners swift and smooth transactions. Interested? Then read our acquisition profile.




Laying the foundation for sustainability

Shaping the sustainable development of society is one of the greatest tasks of our time. It can only be put into practice with the courage to change and with conviction. We are determined to play our part in meeting current and future challenges by offering fresh impetus and solutions to satisfy the growing requirements of the care market and the increasing demand for care places in years to come.




The answers to the challenges facing the inpatient care sector

We develop care homes for our portfolio according to our own standard, which is optimally tailored to the special requirements of inpatient nursing care and provides a uniform response to the regulatory framework conditions that vary throughout Germany.


“Every day, we work to provide a best-in-class experience to the nation’s growing senior population. That’s why we want to transform the senior living market by setting and constantly improving care home standards”.
Mood Home Management


A team for joint success

Frank Oberländer (CCO), Oliver Sturhahn (CFO) and Christian Möhrke (CEO) together with the Cureus management team, lead an extremely capable and highly skilled team with a wealth of expertise in construction, property management and financing. They are supported by the advisory board, which is chaired by Gerald Klinck.


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