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We are Germany’s only specialised integrated property company of inpatient care homes

The Cureus brand provides an entrepreneurial home for system care home solutions. The seasoned Cureus team draws on over 15 years of care home market experience. Our portfolio currently comprises 68 care homes with long-term operator leases, many of which were successfully designed and built according to our system approach.

Cureus is on a course to deliver strong growth as we leverage our solution to meet the rapid increase in demand for inpatient care homes – a standard that is scalable and can be implemented regardless of location and sets new, uniform quality standards. We manage a constantly growing portfolio of properties that are perfectly tailored to the requirements of care home residents and operators.


long-term leased properties

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locations under construction

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locations with secured projects

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~ 5,790

new units will
be created

The future is bright

Cureus has a confirmed project pipeline. We currently develop more than ten system care homes per year in markets where demand is set to remain stable or increase over the next few years and add these to our portfolio. This enables us to not only create above-average care capacities, but also to deliver above-average returns on investment.

Mood Über uns

Sustainable solutions to complex challenges

We strive for perfection

We are constantly developing new and innovative solutions to better and more sustainably meet the complex challenges of the care market. Once we have a solution, we integrate it into our standard. Our solution-driven approach not only allows our standard to be applied in any location, it also gives us the flexibility we need to look to the future and anticipate potential changes in market regulation.


icon-erfahrung.svg >15 years of experience

icon-mitarbeiter.svg approx. 130 employees

icon-standardisierungsprinzip.svg optimised standardisation principle

Planning for the future. Together.

Stability and security for operators and municipalities

Having reached maturity as a market-proven standard, our uniform system approach takes the complexity out of care homes. As a portfolio holder, we manage our properties throughout their entire lifecycles and provide operators and municipalities with long-term and reliable support.

Our system care homes are a stable and sustainable product that meet constant and growing demand.

Grafik Stabilität

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