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We are laying the foundation for sustainability

Shaping the sustainable development of society is one of the greatest tasks of our time. It can only be put into practice with the courage to change and with conviction. As a specialist in the design, construction and management of inpatient care homes, we are determined to play our part in meeting current and future challenges by offering fresh impetus and solutions to satisfy the growing requirements of the care market and the increasing demand for care places in years to come.

At the same time, we are well aware that the real estate industry also has a key role to play in ensuring that we meet our global climate change mitigation goals. Thus, we are committed to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals and are determined to strike the optimum balance between sustainability and profitability with our innovative, integrated approach. With our systematically designed care homes, we have already developed an essential solution that offers a long-term response to the challenges facing the healthcare market, respecting both environmental aspects and the needs of operators and residents.

Our Code of Conduct commits us to important basic principles of conduct with integrity.


Mood Über uns

Responsibility and transparency

Cureus Sustainability Reports

Sustainability is one of our top priorities – in our first full financial year as Cureus, we already put together our first sustainability report and followed the internationally recognised standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
In the meantime, the fourth report on the 2023 financial year has been published; all reports can be downloaded here.


Sustainalytics rating for Cureus

Successful course confirmed

As of year change 2022/2023, the leading independent ESG research, rating and data firm Sustainalytics provided Cureus GmbH with an ESG Risk Rating of 10.1 and once again rated the risk of experiencing material financial impacts from Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors as very low. Cureus is thus "top rated" in the real estate segment and among the leading companies throughout Europe.


Setting the right priorities

The cornerstone of our commitment to sustainability

As a rapidly expanding company, we recognise the importance of integrating the issue of sustainability from day one. In a materiality assessment conducted in close collaboration with our stakeholders, we have identified the areas of our business that have the most directly relevant impact on the environment and society. As we look to the future, we will strive to address these specific areas in our day-to-day business:

Forward-looking corporate governance

We are pursuing a long-term growth strategy and are committed to adhering to legal requirements and applicable compliance guidelines. At every stage of the strategic planning of our property developments, we assess and integrate sustainability-related opportunities and risks and develop our standard for system care homes with a keen eye on the future.

Sustainable value creation

For us, sustainability aspects are always front and centre of everything we do, from the acquisition of development land, throughout the planning and development process, all the way through to the construction and long-term management of our properties. At every stage of this value creation process, our system approach guarantees that our care facilities meet the highest standards of financial, environmental and social sustainability. This allows us to create optimal living and working environments while minimising our impact on the environment.

Responsible employer

Our employees are our most valuable asset. It is thanks to them that our standards improve every single day. That’s why we offer them personalised professional development opportunities in a secure long-term working environment and cultivate an open and diverse working environment in which everyone can, should and does make a contribution.

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Cureus team supports Mittagskinder Foundation Hamburg

For Christmas 2022, Cureus initiated a wish tree campaign for the Mittagskinder Foundation Hamburg . The wishes of 50 children, whom the Mittagskinder Foundation cares for in its facilities, were hung on the Christmas trees in Cureus' Hamburg office and picked and fulfilled by employees of the company. For its part, Cureus donated 5,000 euros to the valuable work of the Mittagskinder Foundation. This will enable the Hamburg foundation premises to be further equipped with furnishings and toys for the lunchtime children.

Mehr zur Stiftung Mittagskinder...


Cureus has been a member of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) since August 2022. This underlines the company's commitment to sustainable management and further expands its network. From now on, Cureus will strive for certification according to the DGNB sustainability certificates for all new buildings in addition to the realisation as a KfW Efficiency House-40.

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New construction of a health and community centre in Kampala, Uganda

With the participation of some residents of the Kira/Kampala community, the construction work for the Cureus-funded health and community centre in Uganda has been finished. Our partner and facilitator for this engagement is Groundbreaker gGmbH. We are very happy to support this great project and the people in Kampala!


Energy conscious by default

Positive for the environment and great for the operator’s bottom line, our system care homes are designed and built according to the KfW-40 standard. This means that our properties only consume 40% of the primary energy allowed under the regulations set forth in the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV). Moreover, we’ve also reduced heat loss via our buildings’ envelopes by almost 50%.

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We think globally

Cureus is committed to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sees opportunities for action in the fields of SDG 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13.


For competence and governance

The German Property Federation (ZIA) represents the interests of the entire property sector in Germany as the sector’s leading industry association. Cureus is member of the ZIA with the aim of promoting the exchange of experience within the industry and pooling our expertise through the association’s work. In that context, Cureus has also committed itself to the “Principles of Proper and Fair Management in the Real Estate Industry” of the Institute for Corporate Governance in the German Real Estate Industry (ICG).

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A sign for diversity

Cureus signed the Diversity Charter (Charter der Vielfalt), making a voluntary commitment to create a working environment that is free of prejudice. More about the Diversity Charter...

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